Do you know the feeling when you get such a great service, when you say to yourself: – “WOW!”?
Unfortunately, I don’t think that happens very often. However, I’m a bit professionally impaired which means I can immediately feel if the service is good or bad. It’s like feelers, as effective as a cat’s whiskers.
Some weeks ago I stayed at the Best Western in Skellefteå. The hotel is a little worn and could do with a little love in the form of refurbishment. Not a disaster, but still a refresh would be in order. But it didn’t matter much, I felt, because it was more than compensated for.
With what, you may think? Yes, by the staff.
At the reception I was greeted by a cheerful “hello” and a smiling face, even before I arrived. The lady over the counter saw me and acknowledged me at an early stage. It was not I who had to seek contact, but she preceded me. I felt welcomed.
Then I noticed that whenever I passed by on my way to the elevator or breakfast, I was greeted with a “hello” or “good morning”, and a smile. Those in the foyer dropped their gaze from the screen they were looking at, to see me. So I was more important than whatever it was they were working with on the computer.
When I entered the breakfast restaurant, I was greeted by an equally nice smile and a cheerful “good morning”. The two who were in charge of the breakfast buffet were happy with each other too and looked to be having a genuine good time.
– Something is going on here, I thought. So I sat down at a table where I could see more people coming in for breakfast.
Indeed, each of those who entered was greeted with a cheerful “good morning”. Even when one of them went out to the kitchen to get more of something that was running out, they looked for those who had come in in the meantime, to say “good morning” to them too.
Everyone was seen. Everyone got a smile. What a start to the morning!
Some may be grumpy in the morning and prefer to be left alone, but what I saw was that they were never anything on the fly with their “good morning”. It was well balanced and just a human, happy and nice greeting.
So, how can you create that extra “wow” for your customers, whatever you may call them?
It is:
- A follow-up call just to ask how it went?
- An email with some follow-up information that you know they often miss, even though they should have received all the information earlier? An email that is only kind and thoughtful.
- A more pleasant environment when your customers come to you, if you have such a relationship with them? A flower, a lighted candle, or something a little cleaner, a little nicer, combined with a “hello” and maybe “I’ll help you in a minute” if you can’t receive them right away.
- …
Please feel free to get back to me with your experience of something really “wow” that you have experienced. What was it that made you find it so “wow-ish”?
I have a childlike delight in collecting stories of pleasant and good experiences in dealing with an organisation, private or public. So I look forward to your story.