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The Need for Speed

About speed, I mentioned it before, but now working with a couple of clients and we discuss the need for speed. The need for speed is vital because the improvements that you make in your business, you want those to be fast. You come up with them in a fast pace and you then implement them in a fast pace. If you drag it out and things will pop up and will destroy the thoughts that you had in the beginning. By implementing it fast you need also to be very agile in order to change and improve again, so if you’re saying you’re on this path and you’ve sat in a week or two, or a month, to find out that you need a correction into this course and that you need to do like this instead. In that case, it should be fast again, so you come up with this in a fast way, but you changed also in a fast way.

That makes your improvements becoming much, much better in the end. Because if you take it to slow, things will happen all around you. That will impact your decisions and you will always have an impact on your decisions that will say, hmm, I need to think again before we implement it and if you’re slow again, something else will happen that will impact your decision. And then you say, oh, wait a minute, I need to think about that as well. That will end up, or you will end up, thinking and thinking and thinking. So it’s better to do things instead of just thinking. It’s better done than perfect! So that’s why speed is so vital.

Take for example, if I’m working within the business and you’re my business analyst helping me out. If I want some improvement, or we in the process needs some improvement in our business – in our process.

We have a Kaizen meeting, we come up – you were a part of that – and we come up with the changes or the improvements that we want. If you have all the knowledge, all the tools, everything that need so you can help us out in the business. Say that that will take one week, and you do that. If it’s not good, you can change it back or improve it further the next week if that’s needed. But say that takes one week then. But if you then need to talk to IT for example and explain to them, we don’t have one week of improvement, we suddenly had two weeks of improvement. And if IT then needs to ask a consultant firm about doing integration or something else, we don’t just add one week. We’ve double it up. So if you help me, it’s one week. If you and IT helped me, it’s two weeks, but if they need to go and talk to a consultant firm that is going to help out, we’re talking about four weeks.

And if they, which I experienced, have another part with them that are going to help out, so there’s actually then five parts – five steps – from me, helping me out. We then doubled the four weeks and it will take eight weeks. So therefore it’s so vital that you as a business analyst know what tools you can have and how you can change, improve, the business – the process, as we in the business wanted it to be improved. So speed is vital because if – again, as I said before – if we take it too slow, things will happen around us and we will stall, because we will wait for the perfect moment because there’s always something going on. So speed is the ultimate weapon here to make sure that we succeed in our continuous improvement. Because if we don’t have speed, it will not be a continuous improvement because nobody wants improvement at all because it takes too long.

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