Hi there, Matts Rehnstrom here, Shaper of Business Excellence. In this video I’m going to talk about three benefits of having one improvement model.
In an earlier video I described the confusion you can have within your organization by not having an improvement model and also the confusion that you can have by having several models. Having no model at all is like having no map driving out on the countryside. You don’t know where you are, and you don’t know where you’re going. Having several improvement models is like having several different maps and driving on that countryside. You can some up that scenario with one word: confusion.
So what benefits could we have then by having one model that guides us through the improvement work within the organization? The first benefit is to have a common language between all of the stakeholders of the improvement, the project and to the business as a whole.
Benefit #1: Have a Common Language to Use with Stakeholders
If you have a single improvement model, you can show stakeholders where you are now and where you are heading. They can then have a common understanding of what is going on in the project as well as what’s going to happen.
To have a model then is to have that good design map of where you are. You can then tell them what is going to happen. “Here we are, here’s where we’re going to move and the next thing that is going to happen is this and then this. This is what’s around the next corner, around the next hill and so on.”
Benefit #2: A Template to Use to Improve the Quality of the Work Being Done
The second part is that a good model provides for better quality of the improvement work that is being done. A good model, shows you what to do, when to do it, and how to do it. It gives you templates, it gives you the map where you came from, where you are to where you want to be and how to implement it. So by having a model, your benefit is to have higher quality as a result of what you do within your improvement work.
The whole initiative is based on one model and that is then giving you higher quality because all the artifacts that you’re working with, you have worked with those artifacts’ results before. You’re just taking the same template and you do the same thing all over again, like the processes that you’re designing.
Benefit #3: Better Engagement from the Improvement Team
The third part is that you will have a better engagement, better confidence within the improvement team. Because if everyone knows where you’re heading, everyone knows the model that you’re working along, then they can work with you. If you have other business analysts or other members of the organization working with you they all can share this common view of where are you heading.
It’s not just in your head with your understanding of what’s going on. Everyone can share your enthusiasm about what is going on and what is happening. That means that they will be more engaged and they will have more confidence in themselves about what they’re about to do.
So to sum it up, the three benefits are:
- To have a common language between the stakeholders so everyone knows where you’re heading and if they understand where you’re heading then management will give you more latitude
- You will have improve the quality or your work because a good model will provide you with templates and all the ways of how and when to do different things.
- The improvement team will be more confident in what they are doing and they will be more engaged in the improvement work.
If you would like to have more information about how to set up an improvement model within your organization, click here to gain access to my FREE resource. I hope you have found this video to be helpful to you, and let’s go and shape our businesses to excellence.