Hope you had a great Christmas and New Year weekend. I myself have celebrated with my family as usual according to tradition.
One of the things I like is Christmas must, lussebulle and soft gingerbread, preferably with lingonberries in it. As you can see, there is an obvious downside, and that is that the wave is showing increasing numbers at this early stage of the year.
Too much Matts
It reminds me that quite a few years ago there was far too much of Matts. So much so that my clothes didn’t fit properly and it was hard to move. The condition was under all criticism. Too much sitting still and the wrong relationship with food are to blame.
After a while I realised that I couldn’t go on like this. Fortunately, we had an initiative with the Weight Watchers at the workplace where I worked at the time. As well as being useful, it was also fun to watch the progress with my colleagues. We had more energy, were happier and felt more at ease with ourselves.
Anders hesitated
I remember one of my colleagues, let’s call him Anders. He was also in great need of improving his life. But Anders hesitated. He continued to hesitate even though we wanted him to come. He didn’t know if he had the time, the energy, was interested enough and so on. There were many things that made him never take the plunge.
Anders chose to remain on the platform as the train left.
13 kilos and a year later, and with light steps up the stairs at work, I met Anders in the conference room. It struck me that while I and other colleagues had focused on improving our way of being where we moved and ate better, Anders had not improved in this aspect at all. He was just as overweight and you could hear from his breathing that it was hard to move.
New year – new opportunities
At the start of a new year, many of us are looking forward to a new year with new opportunities. It’s like we get a fresh new chance to make improvements. This applies both in private and at work. What didn’t work so well last year will now improve and we will get better.
For your business, it may be that there is a list of things that you would like to have in a better way. It wants to seize the opportunity to do something about it. Don’t hesitate to make a plan now for how you will work in a controlled and focused way with your improvement work.
Do not hesitate
Don’t do what Anders did and stand on the platform when the train leaves. Let 2022 be a year where you and you at work really stepped up and improved the business. Get rid of all those things that are always disturbing and irritating.
Do something about it, and do it now.
Create better value for your customers and make your money last longer and create more value, while having more fun.
Don’t repent 2023
A year goes by quickly and it’s easy to stand there at the beginning of 2023 and realise that nothing came of the dreams of something better than what had been in previous years.
Maybe you say…
– I don’t know if we have time.
– I can’t.
– You can’t do it yourself.
– I don’t know where to start, because there’s so much…
You are not alone
I completely understand that it is received, because I have been there myself. What I want you to understand is that you are not alone in wanting to improve the business, because you have colleagues who want to do that too. Not everyone cares, but enough people do for you to put together an improvement initiative.
And you’re not alone in having to invent how to do it. Me and my colleagues are here to help you.
Contact me and we can talk about what a plan for your next improvement effort might look like. Just email me back on this email and we can talk at your convenience. With no obligation on your part.
Take the opportunity now to start 2022 strong and see how this year has taken you and your business to a whole new level.
Whatever goals you set, private or business, for 2022, I wish you the best of luck.