Coaching and Management Support
Leading improvement efforts is challenging. There is a wide range of demands from a variety of stakeholders. Once the design of an improved business is developed, implementation is an even greater challenge. Having a coach and support for leaders and management teams in implementing improvements is a success. Success that leads to a healthier and financially stronger business, which in turn ensures that you stay on course for business excellence.
We work with the Shaper model and Business Excellence, which is based on philosophies and tools such as LEAN, Six Sigma, BPM, and Agile. Leadership and team dynamics are based on situational leadership and the Armed Forces Leadership Programme.
Quality Management
What is quality and who is responsible for it? Ensuring that an operation meets customer requirements and needs by performing activities in the right way and in the right order while meeting set business objectives is not an easy task. We have knowledge and expertise in BPM, LEAN, Six Sigma, and ISO-9000, which makes us the expert you need to support you in your work with quality management.
Quality and Business Development
Is your business delivering high quality in the absolute most efficient way? We can assist you in your efforts to continuously improve your operations. Business development is best done with a clear and simple model to take the business from its current state to a greatly improved future state. The world is changing at a rapid pace and you need to be constantly on the alert and ahead of the curve by implementing continuous improvements. We work with Business Process Management (BPM) as a theory and use the Shaper of Business Excellence model to get a structured approach with clear goals for your improved business. We support you in your work and provide both training (see below) and consultation where requested.
To carry out improvement work in your business, you need comprehensive knowledge and methods. You need to have skills in improvement management, improvement methods, quality management, project management and continuous improvement philosophy to succeed in your work. There are many roles that must successfully interact with each other to succeed in improvement efforts. We have the training you need to achieve success in your improvement work.The training we provide includes training for improvement managers, business designers, process managers and process owners, project managers and project commissioners, and for all employees who need the same basic training in how to run a business with a focus on process and project improvement. The training provides the holistic skills needed to succeed.
Project Management
Do you need support for your project managers or project commissioners? In our experience, many organisations talk about projects but don’t really have the right skills to run successful projects. We can give your project management and leadership staff the knowledge and support they need to feel confident in their work. We use different project models, which all look similar, but are mostly based on the Ericsson PROPS model, currently XPM. This in conjunction with project models such as Agile and SCRUM.
Project analysis/review
An independent review of a project or process also provides you with independent data that will give you useful information for important decisions. It is often the case that both project owners and project managers want to show other stakeholders that a project is going well, even when it is not.
In this case, someone who is emotionally independent of the project and the result it creates is needed to get a neutral view of the situation. We can help you carry out this analysis and/or review of your project, so that you make the right decisions. Projects that are doing well should be praised and encouraged, while those that are not doing so well need support to reach the intended goal. However, without knowing the status of the project, it is difficult to know which one is required.
If you need support to get projects that turn out not to be as successful as expected, we can assist with that too.
Document management
How have you structured your documents in your business? Do you link your documents to different line organisational units or do you link them directly to designed processes and projects?
Many organisations find it difficult to find their documents quickly, and the time spent searching for them is extensive. Completely unnecessarily, and at the cost of irritation, low efficiency, long lead times and poorer quality for customers.
We can assist you in setting up and linking the documents to your processes and projects, giving you a long-term sustainable document structure, which does not need to change just because you reorganise your line organisation. Stop searching for documents – create a structured long-term structure for quick access!
Environmental management
The environment is now more in focus than ever.
Have you managed your environmental work in a long-term and sustainable way? It is not only the operations that must be sustainable towards the environment, but the environmental management must also be sustainable. We can assist you in building a sustainable environmental management system as part of your quality management system.
We can also assist you in your efforts to create ISO-14000 certificates if this is desirable for you, or perhaps simply required by you.